It’s Tough Being a Mom and a Daughter

Are you in that spot too? It snuck up on me. The other day I was saying something to my daughter and turned around to wonder where my mom came from and it turns out it was me. I was channeling my mom.  I suppose it’s a good time in my life and I’m fortunate that I can be a mom and a daughter.  That my mom, my parents, are here to spend time with the kids.  One weekend at home with my parents visiting and I’m a kid again.  I’m with my kiddos every day and I’m “the mom”.  I actually used, “because I’m mom” as a reason for something the other day.  I always thought I wouldn’t use that as a rationale, but there you go.  I did it. I’m the mom.  The power!

But then I spend time with my parents, especially when it’s just my mom, and I feel like I’m in high school again and we’re lamenting high school dramas.  Except it’s not high school drama, it’s the kids, or friends, or something random we’re just talking about, but I don’t feel like a mom, I feel like the again.  I’m not sure I can be a mom and a daughter at the exact same moment.  Is that even possible?

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